Interface ThirdwebNftMediaProps

The props for the ThirdwebNftMedia component.


  • SharedMediaProps
    • ThirdwebNftMediaProps


children?: ReactNode
className?: string
controls?: boolean

Show the media controls (where applicable) (default false)

height?: string
metadata: objectOutputType<{}, ZodUnion<[ZodEffects<ZodUnion<[ZodBigInt, ZodType<BigNumber, ZodTypeDef, BigNumber>, ZodType<BN, ZodTypeDef, BN>]>, string, bigint | BigNumber | BN>, ZodUnknown]>, "strip">

The NFT metadata of the NFT returned by the thirdweb sdk.

Type declaration

    mimeType?: string
    requireInteraction?: boolean

    Require user interaction to play the media. (default false)

    style?: CSSProperties
    width?: string

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