Enumeration ClaimEligibility

Enumeration Members

AddressNotAllowed: "This address is not on the allowlist."
AlreadyClaimed: "You have already claimed the token."
ClaimPhaseNotStarted: "Claim phase has not started yet."
NoActiveClaimPhase: "There is no active claim phase at the moment. Please check back in later."
NoClaimConditionSet: "There is no claim condition set."
NoWallet: "No wallet connected."
NotEnoughSupply: "There is not enough supply to claim."
NotEnoughTokens: "There are not enough tokens in the wallet to pay for the claim."
OverMaxClaimablePerWallet: "Cannot claim more than maximum allowed quantity."
Unknown: "No claim conditions found."
WaitBeforeNextClaimTransaction: "Not enough time since last claim transaction. Please wait."
WrongPriceOrCurrency: "Incorrect price or currency."

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